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You Are Here: Internet 101 >> Protecting Privacy >> Cookies 

What are ‘Cookies’, and How Do They Affect Privacy?

An HTTP cookie is a small text file that is downloaded to the computer when you click on some links or visit some web sites. It identifies the computer and/or you (if you provided information) to the sender as you progress through the web site or revisit the same web site.

Cookies are the technology that make ‘shopping carts’ possible by keeping track of your purchases while you continue to shop. They allow for personalized pages, and member identification. They also are used by the sender for web site tracking information to better develop their web sites.

A cookie cannot be used to get data from your hard drive, get your e-mail  address or steal sensitive information about your person. But a cookie can be used to track where you travel over a particular site.

Cookies are just a reality of using the Internet

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