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Abbreviations & Emoticons  
 Used in E-mail
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Abbreviations and Emoticons Used in E-mail :-)

E-mail LingoIn e-mail (and chat), you will find that there are words that have been newly developed, as well as abbreviations and acronyms to save time typing, and emoticons to clarify the tone of the text.

If you are new to the Internet, it is important to remember that some of the people you exchange e-mail with may not be.  Even though you might choose not to use any of the abbreviations or acronyms, you may still be exposed to them.

It is extremely common for standard capitalization and (unfortunately) spelling to be ignored in all forms of Internet communication.  This is considered acceptable in chat and informal e-mail correspondence, but it is to be avoided on business e-mail.  Most e-mail services offer a spell-check function.

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