Internet 101, a guide to the Internet  that's easy to understand.  Learn the Basics of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, how to use email, use and organize Bookmarks and Favorites, and Search the Internet effectively
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Information Super HighwayYou have probably  heard the Internet (which is often called the World Wide Web but it’s a little different) referred to as the "Information Super Highway" - and it's a good description. The  Internet has a wealth of information available - and it's an extremely fast way to gain access to information.

This can be a very messy highway though. It's not clearly marked, it's filled with litter, garbage, and stuffed full of billboards/advertising.  But you will quickly see the value of the Internet once you begin to find your way through it.

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Internet 101, a guide to the Internet  that's easy to understand.  Learn the Basics of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, how to use email, use and organize Bookmarks and Favorites, and Search the Internet effectively